Monday, October 16, 2023

Emotional Wellness for Working Moms/moms of specially abled/SAHM

Emotional wellness, also known as emotional well-being or mental health, is the capacity of an individual to comprehend, express, and control their emotions in a positive and constructive manner. It entails being emotionally stable and positive, which is essential for overall well-being.


In my previous health blog hop, Wellness for SAHM, organized by Rakhi Jayashankar, I went into a deep discussion about how important wellness is to our lives. Despite the fact that I covered topics like "Physical wellness," "Mental and emotional wellness," "Social wellness," and "Occupational wellness," among others. Also discussed were all the difficulties of keeping up with those levels of wellness and how to get beyond them. I also shared a daily wellness checklist to stay productive and a few lists of affirmations to maintain overall well-being.


As we all know, SAHMs, working mothers, and mothers of children with disabilities deal with a lot of emotion every day. Either they are occupied with feeling undesirable about something, they are unable to devote a lot of time to their family and children, or they are wasting their time. But it's time to answer the questions about why, while caring for our family members, we mothers struggle to control our emotions.

Here are 7 ways can you manage your Emotional Wellness effectively:-


1.   1. Self-awareness

 It means being sensitive to the underlying reasons and triggers of those emotions as well as recognizing, acknowledging, and understanding your emotions as they occur. One should read books and spend a lot of time with himself/herself to create self-awareness. Being a Mom, You can’t express out your anger to your kids, and regret it later. Kids learn from what they observe, especially from their mothers. You need to sit down with yourself and find out how things are going to work out and how can you keep yourself calm.


  1. 2.   Emotional Management

It is the capacity to successfully manage and control your emotions. This entails managing stress, worry, anger, and other emotions in a positive way instead of letting them dominate you.

These strategies can include deep Breathing, Mindfulness, Positive Reframing, and Problem-Solving etc. It involves making conscious choices about how you respond to emotions, particularly in interpersonal relationships. For instance, you might choose to communicate your feelings calmly and assertively, rather than reacting impulsively or aggressively.


  1. 3.   Emotional resilience

Simply referred to as resilience, is a crucial aspect of emotional wellness. It is the capacity to adjust to new circumstances, recover from setbacks, and uphold one's mental and emotional well-being in the face of difficulty. Resilience is an asset that can enable people to handle the ups and downs of life with greater strength and calmness. With a positive outlook, people can view difficulties as chances for development and learning rather than as impossible challenges. It inspires optimism and hope.


  1. 4.   Cultivate Compassion

It speaks of the capacity to relate to, understand, and share the experiences and emotions of others. By allowing you to listen more intently and respond more sensitively, compassion improves communication. When you are compassionate, you are more likely to ask open-ended questions, affirm the other person's feelings, and give them a safe space to express themselves.


  1. 5.   Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude is a powerful and simple way to improve your emotional well-being and overall quality of life. It involves recognizing and appreciating the positive aspects of your life, even in the face of challenges. Don't keep your feelings of gratitude to yourself. Let others know when you appreciate something they've done for you. A simple "thank you" can go a long way. I appreciate you, Dr. Priyadarshini Maam, Thank you, Ma'am, for showing me "the Art of Gratitude". Once I began to practice gratitude and recognize how fortunate I am, I noticed a lot of change in myself.


  1. 6.   Mindfulness

Practice mindfulness by focusing on the present moment and recognizing the positive aspects of your surroundings. This can include the taste of your food, the feel of the warm sun, the sound of laughter or even playing with your little one and whatnot? You need to remind yourself to be mindful and present in the moment.


I am grateful to Gaurvi Mam for introducing me to the Art of Journaling, which only allows for the expression of emotions. And I want to express my sincere gratitude to Ms. Riya, for teaching me how to create art journals, which has helped me to become more mindful.


  1. 7.   Seeking Help Whenever required

Recognizing when you require professional assistance, such as therapy or counseling, and seeking it out to address emotional difficulties or mental health issues. It is crucial to emotional health and personal development. It means being aware of when you are experiencing difficulties or emotional distress that you are unable to handle on your own and taking the required actions to ask for support, direction, or professional aid from others.


In conclusion, asking for support when needed is a form of self-care. It's a way to put yourself first and make sure you have the resources and support you need to live a happy and emotionally healthy life.


Undoubtedly, it is appropriate to say that a woman is important for maintaining the mental well-being of her family. You will be able to help create a healthy environment at home if you are emotionally stable. This enhances the bond between a mother and her kids, spouse, and in-laws.


‘This post is a part of Truly Your Holistic Emotions Blog Hop by Rakhi Jayashankar and Roma Gupta Sinha’


I’ve also learned to prioritize my emotional wellness, and not feel bad about it. What about you? How are you taking care of your emotional health?



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  1. Gratitude and journaling do help in acquiring an emotional balance.. I also do journaling to have an emotional stability when feeling overwhelmed. Nice points mentioned. - Swarnali Nath

  2. Beautifully written. There are 100's of things we juggle every minute that sometimes our own wellness takes a back seat may it be emotional or physical.
    I also practice mindfulness, positive affirmation and gratitude everyday and have been teaching kids also the same.

  3. Emotional wellness is a huge topic and one which needs practice and tons of patience. A good post with very valid suggestions for emotional wellness.

  4. Radhika, you have very rightly concluded that as women we will be able to help create a healthy environment at home only when we are emotionally stable ourselves. Practising mindfulness Gratitude, and journalling are great ways to keep yourself on a positive track. Moms whether working or staying at home, should not shy away from seeking any help, nor should they feel guilty about it.

  5. Radhika, your insightful observation stands true: as women, we can contribute to fostering a nurturing atmosphere at home when we maintain our own emotional stability. Engaging in mindfulness, expressing gratitude, and keeping a journal are excellent methods to stay on a positive course. Mothers, regardless of their employment status, should never hesitate to seek assistance when needed, and they should never carry a burden of guilt for doing so.I live alone and I am fighting a lone battle with my mental health.

  6. IT is hard but being grateful gives us the knowledge that we are blessed to have as much as we do. Some of us forget the blessings we are bestowed with.

  7. I have been journaling since I was 9 years old, it has helped so much and today I can proudly say that I have been able to deal with all of the challenges that I faced only because of this one habit which helped my emotional wellness.

  8. Radhika, the role of a mom is vast and a definition will fall short to explain what an emotional coaster ride a mother need to experience to ensure not just her baby but the family as a whole remain healthy and safe. Its very easy to thrash the emotions of a mom by people as they find the role of a mom is so easy and simple but the hard work is always overlooked. The tips that you suggested for emotional wellness of a mom is 100% correct and we need to practice that. Nothing is impossible all that we need to do is to try. Thanks for this beautiful and meaningful post on emotional wellness.

  9. Radhika - Your post on the emotional well being of a mother is spot on. You are right - it starts with self-awareness. Practicing daily gratitude, maintaining a journal and practicing emotional resilience creates a healthy environment for the family. Slowing down to create a stable and mindful family atmosphere is hard in the current hectic environment but it can be done. Great post!

  10. I wish life would only give us sweet fruits. But I guess that's only wishful thinking. We have to handle both bitter and sweet. My mom has always been a SAHM and she really needs company and silence to heal her from the wounds of yesteryears. Now, her health is so weak that she can barely walk around and do her stuff. I wish she had got this circle to help her through earlier. But it's never too late. I guess, life will always find a way to heal you.

  11. I know that women forget to look after themselves while taking care of their families. But, small, regular self-help efforts can help them go far. Your pointers are bang on!

  12. This is such an important reminder about the significance of emotional wellness. I completely agree that seeking help when needed is not a sign of weakness; it's a form of self-care and personal growth. Thanks for sharing these valuable insights, and I appreciate those individuals who have guided you on this journey to emotional well-being. It's true, a stable and emotionally healthy woman can make a positive impact on her family's mental well-being.

  13. It's never easy for a working mom but we manage as we are born multitaskers. However multitasking eventually take a toll on our health and psyche. Hence it is always better to take it slow. As you mentioned practicing gratitude and mindfulness helps us in overcoming overwhelming situations.

  14. Your comprehensive breakdown of emotional wellness and its significant role, particularly for mothers, is both insightful and enriching. The ways you've articulated to manage emotional well-being offer practical and impactful methods to maintain a healthy mental state.
    The seven essential strategies you've outlined, from self-awareness to seeking help when needed, provide a robust framework for cultivating emotional resilience. The incorporation of personal acknowledgments and gratitude toward individuals who've been instrumental in your journey adds a heartfelt dimension to your discourse.
    Your reflective and supportive approach toward emotional wellness beautifully highlights its importance not just for an individual but for the overall family dynamics. Your emphasis on a mother's pivotal role in maintaining mental well-being and nurturing familial bonds resonates deeply.
    This is a poignant guide that underscores the significance of prioritizing emotional health and seeking the necessary support for a harmonious and content family life.

  15. Like a learned mother can teach an entire family, so does a happy mother keep her surrounding happy. It's important that we identify our triggers and work on them before they start dominating us. Gratitude, positive affirmations and channeling our energies towards productive work definitely help.

  16. Moms can never be enough. They are expected to be superheroes immune to their emotional well being. SAHM are the most under-appreciated. I absolutely agree with you on mindfulness, gratitude and journaling. I swear by journaling and it has helped me cope during the most difficult of times.

  17. Your article on emotional wellness for moms is not only informative but also heartwarming. It beautifully captures the importance of emotional well-being and offers practical tips for managing it effectively. While I'm not a mom myself, I appreciate the valuable insights you've shared. I believe prioritizing emotional health is essential for everyone, and I'm working on mindfulness and gratitude in my own life. Your words serve as a reminder of the significance of self-care. Thank you for your wonderful contribution!

  18. Managing office and home is not an easy task. The support system of the family also plays a very important role in managing the responsibilities smoothly. I completely agree that emotional well-being of a woman is very important for the well being of the entire family.

  19. Taking care of our emotional wellness is crucial for a happy life. These simple yet effective tips shared here, from self-awareness to seeking help when needed, provide valuable guidance on managing emotions positively. Prioritizing emotional health is essential, and these insights serve as a great reminder to nurture our well-being.

    -Abha Singh

  20. Taking care of our emotional wellness is crucial for a happy life. These simple yet effective tips shared here, from self-awareness to seeking help when needed, provide valuable guidance on managing emotions positively. Prioritizing emotional health is essential, and these insights serve as a great reminder to nurture our well-being.

  21. Your simple and actionable suggestions are easy to resonate with. As a mother who works from home, I especially felt connected to what you said.

  22. Emotional wellness for the women of the family is very much needed. These suggestions will be really helpful. With a lot of awareness people have now started journalling and practicing mindfulness. Which will help them calm and channel emotions in a positive way

  23. You have encapsulated the essentials really well dear and what touches me the most is that you have not only found your guiding lights but have also expressed your gratitude to them which I feel is so essential

  24. Being compassionate is a tricky tool. Too much compassion and the world is always giving it back into your face. Too less compassion and you're dropped like a hot potato. Fine tuning and finding the right level has been a tad hard for me.

  25. This is one subject I truly feel closer too being a working mother myself. I wouldn't deny that there are various kinds of pressures I feel daily. These pressures do put my mental health at stake I feel on daily basis. My key to deal with this is to speak out, I have a built a safe zone for myself which consists of my co sister, father, set of friends with whom I share my hardships, emotions and that has truly helped me so far.

  26. Thanks for sharing these pointers I will share these with the new moms in my extended family

  27. The art of gratitude is something new for me and I will check it out

  28. I really love that you have now allowed yourself to prioritize yourself and not feel guilty about it. this is so important. i feel the easiest place to start is actually with a gratitude journal - just writing even 3 things every day can really start off that change.

  29. Emotional wellness is essential for mothers. We cannot take care of others unless we first take care of ourselves. Great article.

  30. Practice gratitude is super important. Nice post!
