Thursday, June 24, 2021

Book Review: Motherhood Talks

 ‘This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon.’ 

Book Name: Motherhood Talks

Author’s Name: Sadvika Kylash

Ratings: 4*/5

Download the book: Motherhood Talks


About the Author:

Sadvika kylash, is a Master graduate in Journalism and was a Freelance Writer till she entered motherhood. Her passion is writing. She shares her blogs at momlifeandlifestyle.


About the Book:

*Do you feel you have forgotten yourself after becoming a mother?

*Do you think motherhood is messy but exciting too at the same time?


The author has thrown light on the pros and cons of being a mother. This book is for all the moms out there who want to ensure that they're doing it right. A mother should always believe in her maternal instincts. The book will guide you on :

*How you can be multi-tasking?

*Why being a mean mom is good?

*how to avoid tantrums in kids?


This is a quick read. The writing style is Lucid. The book title goes well with the content of the book. I recommend this book to all the parents. You might doubt yourself in the parenting journey, but this book will clear a lot of doubts. Though the author has described a lot of things, I feel like the author could have mentioned a little about mental health and how to keep calm while dealing with kids.


Overall, it’s a useful guide, especially for new mothers. The book helps in realizing your self-worth too. You might feel you're not a perfect mother, but after reading this book, you'll notice that you're doing justice on your motherhood journey.

 Blog 1: Vision Board for Expecting Mothers 

 Blog 2: How do I wean off my 2 years old bottle? 

Let’s discuss what problem are you facing with your little one now? What strategies and tricks worked out for you during the bottle weaning process. Kindly share your thoughts in the comment box below.

Don't miss out on checking out my ebook and sharing your reviews with me at or my Instagram page.

Book Link: The essence of Motherhood   

You can fill up the google form if you would like to buy its paperback/kindle copy once I publish it on Amazon.inYou can join the WhatsApp group
 to receive all the updates. 


  1. This short and sweet books surely sounds like a very helpful read for Mothers and Mothers to be.

  2. How being a mean mom is good- this point has raised a curiosity in me. The title of the book is self-explanatory. Looks a good read for new moms.

  3. Moms are put on a pedestal and then made to slog. It's refreshing to read something that will resonate with every real mom out there. Good review!

  4. The book sounds interesting and informative, and of course practical as it draws from personal experiences. Definitely a useful resource for new moms.

  5. Looks like a good book for all new mother out there, saving the post and sharing it with friends, hope it reaches the right people.

  6. The book sounding very interesting and the story line is also engaging .. love your honest opinion on it.

  7. The book sounds interesting and helpful for moms. I am sure it will clear many doubts on parenting.

  8. Motherhood is far beyond the concept of conceiving, carrying, birthing and feeding .The book title sounds intriguing. Pros and cons of motherhood seems worth read. Would definitely check out

  9. This sounds like a useful guide for motherhood. The practical approach is definitely a plus point. Would love to check out.

  10. Wow thats a brilliant subject on motherhood. It indeed is important that new mothers get support and help with basics of parenting and raising a child. I am sure this book is worth reading.

  11. I read her post during AtoZ and loved the way she has shared the moms life, I am sure this book is going to be great help for all moms!!

  12. My answer to all your questions would be yes. Thus this book is indeed for me

  13. For a book that deals with so many important topics, I think mental health should have been included too, as you said. You have closely analysed the book.

  14. This book is surely going to be so helpful for new moms and I am going to share it with a friend on mine who has just stepped into motherhood.

  15. I have read a couple of reviews of this book and all readers were happy with the book. I was looking for some recommendation of the books, thank you for this. Surely, going to pick this one up soon.
